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About Pam's Book:



A personal note from Pam Smith, Executive Director:  


“My first book is now available. I wrote this book because it grieved me over the years to see women exhibit behaviors in the workplace that work against their personal career goals. Each chapter of the book includes at least one pearl of practical wisdom from the New International Version of the Bible, which I refer to as the Guidebook. The advice presented in the book enabled me to have a wonderfully fulfilling career from my start as a secretary to three different Vice President roles.


(If you know of others on your network list you think might benefit from reading the book, please feel free to pass the word on!)

While all professionals face obstacles to success, women discover that packaged along with their challenges are special dynamics that apply only to them.  Successful working women understand those dynamics and leverage them. This book will arm you with a manual that breaks the secret code to reveal why many women fail to achieve their career goals and will enable women to both discover and avoid behaviors that could sabotage their careers. Available now on,,  and The Friendly Bookstore in Quakertown, PA.


The Nine Sabotages

Sabotage #1.Viewing Uniqueness as Weakness

Sabotage #2.Neglecting to Treat Male Colleagues as Customers

Sabotage #3.Failing to Find a Mentor

Sabotage #4.Underestimating Your Influence on Others

Sabotage #5.Vandalizing Your Image

Sabotage #6.Whining Instead of Shining

Sabotage #7.Living an Unbalanced Life

Sabotage #8.Running from Risk

Sabotage #9.Staying Too Long


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