New question:
Q - I really can't stand my boss. The thing that bothers me most is that he is lazy. He falls asleep at his desk, and even snores, yet he micro-manages me. Several times throughout the day, he pulls a project off the pile and "beckons" me into his office to give it to me, sometimes taking it back before it is complete and giving me another project. It gets confusing for me, and we have missed a couple of due dates. The big problem is: He's a long time friend of the owner. Any advice?
A - Several issues here: Is it possible that he has a health problem that causes him to fall asleep? What you are viewing as laziness might be medical. Let's assume that it is not medical. The owner is probably aware of your boss' shortcomings. Your boss may fall into what a former colleague called the "protected species".
You can't control how your boss acts, but you can control how you react. Ask him if the two of you could meet on Monday mornings to go over the projects for the week, due dates, etc. so that you can both (get the benefit to him in your conversation) do a more efffective job and eliminate the potential for missed deadlines. There: you have just taken control of the situation. Now, you are managing the boss. |
Previous Questions:
Q - I applied for a position over a week ago and haven't heard anything. How long does an average job search take?
A - There is no average. After one week, call the prospective employer to let them know of your continued interest and to ask if there is any thing additional that you can supply them with to help them make a positive decision for hiring you for the position.
Q - I recently submitted my 5-page resume to a non-profit. I spent a lot of time preparing it and feel that I verbalized (in writing) my experience very well. I used a script font and wrote detailed paragraphs that would give a prospective employer all they would need to know in order to understand my work completely. The potential employer did not even give me the courtesy of an interview, and suggested that I get the resume down to two pages and summarize my experience.
This made me feel very insulted after all the hard work I did. Do you think this was rude of the potential employer?
A - I think the employer was trying to give you a gift that will help you in future job searches. If you put everything down on your resume, why would the employer need to see you for an interview? It is far better to summarize in a maximum of two pages and get the chance to meet with the interviewer in person to sell yourself.
Q: I am looking for a job in several areas that are widely different. Shouldn't I have a resume for each area?
A: No. A resume needs to be a reflection of who you are in addition to what you have accomplished and should not be modified depending on the position you are seeking. The one exception is if you are seeking a position in ministry and a position in secular employment. The wording will be different in this case.
Previous Questions:
Q: I have an opportunity to hire either a full time 40-hour/week employee or two half time employees who will job share. Do you have an opinion on which of these is the better option?
A: If you are considering two part-timers, I can safely assume that this is for an hourly position rather than an exempt position. Make a list of the pros and cons that you see for each choice. For example, hiring one full time employee involves the cost of benefits; hiring two employees to job share adds more to manage (two people to recruit, two yearly reviews, two people to train, etc.) Either option can be great.
Q: I applied for an internal job posting but didn’t get it. I want to know why; what’s the best way for me to find out?
A: A statement like, “I want to know why I didn’t get the job” will get a response of “Another candidate was a better fit” which doesn’t help you. Why not use this as a learning experience? Call the person who would have supervised you and ask, “Can you give me some suggestions for how I can better position myself for the next opening?” People like to help people, and the response is likely to be far more informative. (Plus, the supervisor will always remember that you took the initiative to make contact.)
Send your questions to "Info@cwim.org"